The WowPerson streaming service

2 min readFeb 18, 2022

We introduce the interactive online streaming platform where celebrities can monetize their audience.

About the Platform

The WowPerson streaming service allows celebrities to create paid interactive joint streams with fans and monetize their audience.

The fan submits their question or topic of conversation and pays for the opportunity to chat with the celebrity. Any participant can be selected by a celebrity during the stream. The selected fan will be displayed on the second half of the broadcast screen and will be able to voice their question or maintain a conversation on a given topic.

The Problem

There are a large number of people in the world who had fame in the past, but now they are not as popular as before. Singers, musicians, athletes, actors, coaches and many more, they have a large following. These celebrities are known, loved, and admired, but they are rarely invited to evening shows and events of the first magnitude.

However, they successfully run Instagram and Facebook pages with hundreds of thousands and millions of followers.

There is also another group of celebrities — YouTubers, TikTokers and Instagram influencers with an army of subscribers numbering in the millions.

All these people are interested in monetizing their popularity, especially if at the same time they can have a good time with their subscribers.

Taking into account the fact that there are tons of fans who would love to chat with their favorite people, the WowPerson team has developed a platform for creating and broadcasting online shows. These online shows allow celebrities to monetize their fans’ interest.

The Solution

Celebrities will register on the platform and invite their fans to join the upcoming stream. Celebrities will set a minimum bid per question or topic. Those who want to talk to celebrities send their questions or topics for conversation and pay any amount, but not less than the minimum rate.

Other members can vote on questions and topics. If they are also interested in this question or topic, they can contribute an additional amount.

Celebrities can choose any questions during the stream, not necessarily the most expensive ones, and the author of the question will connect to the broadcast.

However, the questions will be sorted by the maximum rate. Therefore, the likelihood of choosing a more expensive question will be higher. This approach will motivate users who are eager to chat with their beloved celebrity to pay more.

During the livestreaming, celebrities can talk to any number of fans, the stream time and the number of questions and topics are not limited.

The WowPerson platform offers incredible things for all kinds of celebrities and fans. Positive emotions with amazing people guaranteed!




Live streams. Interactive online platform for celebrities and their fans