Eugene Makarenko, February 22, 2022, Los Angeles Complex Taglyan

Meet Eugene Makarenko, founder of the WowPerson project.

3 min readMar 1, 2022


Eugene Makarenko was born in 1983 in the Krasnodar region, Russia.

Since the age of 12 he participated in a folk music ensemble and studied at music school. Since he was 13 years old he got passion about the design and development of electronic devices.

After graduating from high school he moved to the Krasnodar city and started to study at the Kuban State University at the Physics and Radioelectronics Department. Studying in the third grade of the university, he started developing of web applications and web sites. A year later, he run the first company Art Technology, which has been offering commercial development of web applications for a long time.

At the same time, he is taking training courses on PPC advertising and SEO. The company started offering a full range of services as a digital agency.

In 2006, he started a postgraduate studies and proceeded developing the company.

Since 2007, Eugene begins to develop his own commercial projects. The first project was a web catalog of computers and accessories — an aggregator that accepted orders from buyers and sent them to several retailers at once to select the best offer. The project required a lot of vendor involvement to communicate with customers, and many vendors didn’t respond quickly to incoming requests from buyers, which is why the project did not become commercially profitable.

In 2008, together with a partner, he launched a new project Doors 2008. This is a specialized printed catalog about door and hardware manufacturers, which brings together the country’s leading manufacturers. The catalog was successfully distributed at exhibitions and showrooms and was commercially successful.

In 2010, with his business partner on the Doors 2008 project, Eugene launches the Reklama-Ufo Internet project — a system for ordering text and visual television advertisements from individuals and companies and placing advertisements on the television channels. The project was commercially successful for several years, but shortly Eugene moved to the United States, work on the project promotion was suspended.

At the same time with the development of his projects, Eugene worked on several interesting projects, which were financed from other companies.

So, one of them was the Internet music project World Session. This is a social network for musicians, which allow to record musical compositions, included a visual audio editor and the ability to invite any musician to record the missing musical part and place it together with the author’s musical part.
One of the directions of the development of this project was an application for Windows, which allowed two or more musicians to play via the Internet, located in different cities and countries. The application allowed the transmission of sound with a delay of up to 15 ms, which made it possible for musicians to play in sync. Each track was recorded locally and saved in an online audio editor for mixing into a musical composition.

In 2014, Eugene became interested in financial applications and blockchain technology. So, in 2015, with his current Wow Person partner Nikolai Li, Eugene developed a crypto exchange and a money transfer system, which was sold to a Brazilian company.

In 2015, together with partners from Silicon Valley, Eugene participated in the development of the car sharing project SetNGo as a CTO, in 2016 he moves to the USA and continued to work in IT as an SEO and web manager at BZB Express.
He works on IT projects for California companies such as Planeteria Media, Starbright, Tickeron and Anchor Free.

In 2019, Eugene met the famous celebrity photographer, producer and organizer of reality shows in the US Gennady Kotkyarchuk from Hollywood, Los Angeles.

Having attended events as a VIP guest and met various celebrities, in the wake of the dramatically increased popularity of live streaming and video content creation, in 2021, together with two partners with whom he had worked for several years, he founded the WowPerson company and built a team of professionals eager to become a part of a new project creating live streams for celebrities and fans.

Article taken from IMDb profile.




Live streams. Interactive online platform for celebrities and their fans